Monday, March 16, 2009

Correction: We don't make the American Judicature Society

Staffers of Arizona Representatives and Senators: You can click here to skip directly to the preamble and complaint.

Oops. You know you've hit the big time when the American Judicature Society picks you up. My bad. We didn't make the AJS but rather the AJA. The American Judges Association.

I saw a reference to the AJS on the AJA link after I Googled for judge howard hinson. I also saw a reference to the AJS at the top of AJA ethics page. But when I went back and reread some of the salty editorial comments on the AJA ethics page, I KNEW I couldn't be on the AJS website. The AJS would never say anything bad about judges. For example, commenting on Chief Justice Roberts recusing himself for owning stock in one of the parties vs. West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Brent Benjamin who took $3 million in campaign contributions from one of the parties but wouldn't recuse, "If you own one $13 share of stock, recusal is warranted due to a direct financial interest. If your campaign committee gets $3,000,000, it's a Constitutional conundrum!" Guess which way 'Justice' Benjamin ruled.]

Anyway, the AJA's mention won't last long, as it's a rolling compendium of ethics violations by judges throughout the nation. (And again, Wow! You wouldn't believe what judges are doing!) But as of this writing a mention of this complaint, although no link to it, is on the AJA's ethics page. Use your browser's FIND function, and search for "Hinson."

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