Wednesday, September 2, 2009

28 Days and counting... Adding insult to injury

I don't know anything about the benefit packages offered judges in Arizona, but I was under the impression that Judge Hinson would not get a pension after resigning, since he was not vested. (I've heard it takes ten years to become vested.) Apparently I was wrong.

According to a blog from nearby Sedona (Arizona)
Instead, Hinson has been censured and allowed to resign from the bench, effective September 30 - thereby keeping his pension intact while avoiding other sanctions/actions for his behaviour.
I tried to contact the author of that blog asking for a source to verify this. If they sent anything to me, I didn't receive it. (Anyone confirm this?) If true, this is just horrible. Why do they coddle this guy? (That was rhetorical. Your Judicial Commission–mostly judges–at work.)

So here we have a man who violated his vow before God to uphold the Constitution–not just once, but numerous times; who perjured himself to the Supreme Court by filing false affidavits saying he didn't violate the Constitution–not just once, but numerous times; defrauded the State of Arizona numerous times; when finally exposed, blames his staff for his actions and insists right up to the last minute that he's innocent. Until he admits he's guilty.

And we REWARD him by giving him a pension?

I suppose the only silver lining is that if you victims get together and bring a civil suit for the harm this man has caused you, you know he has some money for you to garnish.

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